Do You Suffer From Bruxism? If So, You May Be at Risk for TMD

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Do you suffer from bruxism? Bruxism is the unconscious act of grinding or clenching your teeth, oftentimes occurring when you sleep. If you do have bruxism, you are at risk for TMD. TMD, also called temporomandibular disorder, occurs when the temporomandibular joints in your jaw are damaged. The ball and socket mechanism for operating your jaw is delicate and can cause a variety of ailments if injury should occur. Listed below are some common symptoms of TMD:

– Do you have any joint pain when your jaw is moving?
– Do you have any muscle stiffness or pain around your head?
– Do you get headaches?
– Is there any popping or clicking sounds when you open your jaw?
– Does your jaw ever lock up?
– Do you suffer from arthritis, jaw dislocation or injury, tooth and jaw misalignment issues, stress, anxiety, or bruxism?

If you have any of these symptoms, you may suffer from TMD. Treatment is available. Our team at Dowsett Dental Health can help you deal with pains associated with TMD. Listed below are some common treatments:

– You can follow exercises that are specifically designed to strengthen your jaw muscles.
– Some medications, such as muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory medications can help with TMD.
– Bruxism treatments for grinding your teeth can be minimized with bite plates or night guards.
– Avoid extreme movements to your jaw, including deep yawns and chewing gum.

If you think you suffer from TMD, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Nathalie Dowsett by calling us at 403.229.0510, and speak with a member of our team. Our office is located in Calgary, Alberta. We look forward to fixing your smile!