Smoking And Your Oral Health

The chemicals and ingredients found in tobacco can cause severe harm to the health of your body. Smoking puts many toxins in the body that increase your risk for heart and lung problems. However, the effects of smoking don’t stop there. Keep reading to learn the impact smoking has on oral health. There are many ways smoking harms oral health,... read more »

Can Bacteria Be Good for You?

How do you respond when you think about the bacteria in your mouth? Did you immediately start wondering what you can do to remove it? However, did you know that there are good bacteria in your mouth as well? Of course, there are definitely bacteria you should remove. For instance, plaque comes from these bad bacteria. Sadly, plaque may erode... read more »

Why do I Need Frequent Cleanings?

Do you do everything you can to protect your smile? Do you brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day? Do you make an effort to clean between your teeth with floss? If so, good work. Did you know that dental cleanings are also very important? Of course, you’ve probably heard about their importance, but do you know what... read more »